Wednesday 7 November 2012

Tears Of A Clown

I see that Romney supporters were booing and boo-hooing when it became clear that Obama had been re-elected.

Of course, I would expect Democrats to be distraught had the result been reversed.  However, when there is such a public display (and they were doing it for the cameras) of dismay from the GOP's side I can't help wondering whether this was the 1% that would have benefitted massively from a Romney reign.  Or were they members of the 99% that would have continued to be fucked sideways by the Republican establishment's particular version of the American dream, and just too stupid to realise they are like turkeys voting for Christmas.

I do find it funny/exasperating that the American people are so cynical about politicians and yet so many of them continue to vote for a party that blatantly tells the biggest lie of them all - 'redistribution of wealth from the masses to the elite will be good for the masses'.  What is it about that formulation that they just don't get?  They bandy around the phrases trumpeted by right demagogues... 'supply side'.... 'trickle down'.... as if these idealist concepts actually carried any weight against the contrary evidence of 32 years of disastrous economic desertification.

To those people who were booing the President of the USA, I say rejoice!  You've dodged a bullet.  You actually have a President who will try and help the 99%, rather than fucking them sideways.  Isn't that a cause for celebration?  Or are you simply sociopathic members of the 1%... a fucker rather than a fuckee?

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