Tuesday 30 October 2012

God, Guns and Government

Browsing the interweb (a word I invented, by the way) it comes to my attention that the National Rifle Association in the good ol' US of A goes out of its way to 'endorse' individual political candidates for the Senate, and presumably much else.

That just prompts me to contemplate that anyone who runs a glorified gun club and believes they are justified in advising its members how to cast their political votes is dangerously deluded.  To be fair, I expect they acknowledge somewhere that they are a special interest group, and that their endorsement relates solely to this area.  But how can they conceivably believe that this has any bearing on elections for the legislature that deals with the economy, foreign affairs, healthcare, education, welfare, internal security, infrastructure investment and so on.

The only argument I can think of is that gun ownership is essential in protecting society.  But obviously that would be laughably stupid.

Regarding any members that act on the NRA's advice?  Well frankly they must be somewhat slow-witted.  But as one US politician once noted with horror, it has been found that 50% of Americans do have below average intelligence.

In the unlikely event that anyone reads this, perhaps I should point out that that last sentence was deliberately ironic.  The politican and his response were, however, real.  I think he was a Republican.  Ah yes, I looked it up - President Eisenhower.

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